The main projects under the portfolio of “Sharakat”

Sharakat Project

1. Agriculture sector

The “Daliya” farm for the early seedless grapes of Al-Atbari

On an area of 128 dunums of land (C) in Tubas Governorate, in partnership with Al Sawafta family, is currently under way expansion of the farm to an area of 540 dunums

Animal Production Plant “Rabieh” – under construction

$22 million investment for the development of a planned Animal feed plant in Hebron, operating it at a capacity of 230 thousand tons.

Plant for the production of natural potato chips – under construction

“Sharakat” along with other partners are working to establish the first plant to produce natural potato chips in Palestine, which will conform to international standards and with high quality and competitive prices

2. Technology sector

Ibtikar Fund

A $ 10.4 million investment fund to invest in start-up technology companies.

Play Arabi

A company specializing in electronic games for smartphones in Arabic, cooperates with game developers in Arabic to suit Arabic culture and market in the region to enrich digital content in Arabic.


Provides market-specific digital solutions for monitoring and evaluating relief and development projects around the world consulting services for the design and construction of these digital applications for the institutions outside Palestine.

3. Education sector

Al Jinan International Schools

The first school of its kind in Palestine which focuses on teaching technology, applied skills and software. The school was founded by the initiative of Jinan Real Estate Investment company which is led by a group of investors and businessmen along with a number of academics and professionals in the province Jenin, with a total of 480 students.

4. Health sector

In addition to Istishari Arab Hospital and Arab Consultant Hospital, which is managed within ASWAQ (later), Sharakat contributes in two hospitals that are under development.

Ibn Sina Specialized Hospital

Ibn Sina Hospital is the first specialist hospital in Jenin, which is expected to open at the end of this year.

Khaled El Hassan Hospital for the treatment of cancer and bone marrow transplantation

Sharakat in partnership with the Khaled Al Hassan Cancer Society and in cooperation with Pecdar, is leading efforts to establish the first specialized hospital in cancer treatment in the West Bank that will have a capacity of 95 beds in the first phase of its construction. The hospital will provide chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which contributes to replace remittances for treatment in “Israel” and abroad.

5. Micro-finance sector

In addition to the micro-lending portfolio run by the Palestine for Development Foundation , Sharakat manages investment programs by contributing to the following companies:

Asala Development & Lending Company

Aimed at empowering Palestinian women with limited income and obtaining their economic and social rights. Asala provided loans and non-financial services to more than 1,038 small and micro enterprises since its establishment.

Palestinian Leasing Company

The first leasing company in Palestine (Shariah compliant), offering financial solutions for small and medium enterprises and providing financial solutions to more than 595 Palestinian companies since its establishment.

Youth Employment Funding

Sharakat in partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Dutch Development Bank (FMO) and Invest Palestine will work on training fresh graduates and securing jobs for them in exchange for bonds financed by the World Bank

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